I hope this isn't about me.It amazes that these people moaning about consensual 'incest' sex are bothered by the morality of it, but are OK with non-consensual sex (rape, etc).
Trying to figure out whose morality is worse.
Maybe some lesbian sex this decade.Has sex come out yet?
Not you specifically, just in general, on this thread and other game threads that have incest in them, in some countries incest is legal, including in France if you're over the age of 18 I believe or no more than 3 years older than the relative. Even in the UK incest stops at 1st cousins, 2nd cousins onwards it's allowed.I hope this isn't about me.
But I don't remember seeing a post with this kind of content.
I'm not saying whether it's legal or illegal, and I'm not saying whether it's moral or immoral.Not you specifically, just in general, on this thread and other game threads that have incest in them, in some countries incest is legal, including in France if you're over the age of 18 I believe or no more than 3 years older than the relative. Even in the UK incest stops at 1st cousins, 2nd cousins onwards it's allowed.
Incorrect.Not you specifically, just in general, on this thread and other game threads that have incest in them, in some countries incest is legal, including in France if you're over the age of 18 I believe or no more than 3 years older than the relative. Even in the UK incest stops at 1st cousins, 2nd cousins onwards it's allowed.
_________________________________________++++++++___________________________________________________Are you bored?
I don't feel it's worth talking about.
I don't care about Bill Clinton.
I thought he was asking, “Has Sophia had sex with anyone other than her husband?” and I said, “Not yet.”
Do we need to discuss this?
If you want to say "he may have meant a different character" or "he may have meant sex differently" or "Sofia had sex with her husband", then you right.
Since your kind words, I would like to give you some advice._________________________________________++++++++___________________________________________________
Are you bored?
Yes, I am. Its rainy and cold out.
I don't feel it's worth talking about. My post was dealing with the progression of the story.
I thought he was asking, “Has Sophia had sex with anyone other than her husband?” and I said, “Not yet.”
Yes, and we all knew what he was referring to.
Do we need to discuss this?
If you want to, sure. Love to hear your thoughts.
If you want to say "he may have meant a different character" or "he may have meant sex differently" or "Sofia had sex with her husband", then you right.
Goes back to the original question, but that does preclude Sophia having lesbian sex with the girl next door and the maid.
I don't feel it's worth talking about.
Was hoping to start a dialogue on the corruption status of the MC.
I don't care about Bill Clinton.
T'was a joke bringing up Clinton since its infamously stupid statement he made. No reason why these post can't have a little humor.
I thought he was asking, “Has Sophia had sex with anyone other than her husband?” and I said, “Not yet.”
Yes, context kind of gave it away.
Do we need to discuss this?
We don't have too. Or if you wish we can discuss the new findings of the James Webb Telescope.
If you want to say "he may have meant a different character" or "he may have meant sex differently" or "Sofia had sex with her husband", then you right.
ok? Now I am not mocking you at all. Nor will I in the future. Just throwing out a few ideas, using a little bad humor here and there and maybe start up a good conversation. The one thing I don't do here or any other forum is ridicule, belittle or worst 'troll' someone. Ok, the last statement is a total lie, but this forum isn't about politics so, no trolling....here...
______________________________________+++++++++++_________________________________________________Since your kind words, I would like to give you some advice.
Adding color to text doesn't seem like a good choice.
My eyes get tired.
When you write, you sometimes give examples that do not fit the topic or write ambiguous content.
Because of this, I tried reading your post several times and then gave up.
I recommend that you write the way others write.
And I apologize for writing to you in a somewhat offensive way.
Currently, I am not a good conversation partner for you.
I hope you have good conversations with other people.
Unfortunetly, looks like it.So the author's plan to accelerate development has completely failed?![]()
se Dylan non beve alcol, non penso che abbia senso.
Se Dylan beve in un club ma non può bere a casa di Christine, avremo un "Dylan domestico" e un "Dylan dormitorio" seguiti da un "Dylan analcolico".
E questa frammentazione stancherà tutti.
in ogni caso, le persone avranno "due Sophia" seguite da "tre Dylan"...
Oh, ci sono anche due Ellies. L'Ellie che perdona Logan e l'Ellie che non lo fa.
Non capisco cosa stia pensando questo sviluppatore facendo questo.
Sono d'accordo con la tua opinione
Dylan ha già lasciato la porta di Amber spalancata.
Può fare tutto ciò che vuole e anche Amber può farlo.
Inoltre, i personaggi in grado di mostrare la prospettiva di Dylan e il suo processo di crescita mantenendo la storia separata non sono Christine, ma Julia e Mari, e il piano originale dello sviluppatore era Emma.
(ma l'evento di Emma è stato rimosso a causa dell'impopolarità.)
E la storia Dylan/Christina è una storia che verrà comunque scartata, proprio come quella di Larry.
Non importa cosa Dylan possa fare lì.
Lo scopo di Dylan nella storia non mi sembra basato sull'interesse nel bere alcolici, quindi ogni occasione è buona per bere (e non capisco come abbia fatto a comprare quelle bottiglie di superalcolici alla sua età, non siamo in Europa dove questo è possibile siamo credo negli USA) anche la serata trascorsa con Sophya ci siamo finalmente accorti che lei gestiva meglio le birre, a differenza di Sophya che era così ubriaca che si è fatta palpare il culo nudo durante il ballo , davanti a tutti. Quindi l'interesse di Dylan in questa storia è fare sesso con belle donne. Ma ha problemi a causa della sua età e della sua inesperienza. L'inesperienza emerge dal fatto che è testardo con Christine che è fuori dalla sua portata, sia per il fatto che ha già un fidanzato, sia per il fatto che vede Dylan da bambino.
Thanks for the reply.Do you want to insist that something that is not incest in real life is incest in the game?
This is not a question of generosity, but of intelligence.
Some people saw eggs and insisted they were chickens, while others saw chicks and insisted they were chickens.
Another person did not realize his ignorance and even laughed at me.
I tried to convince them, but failed, and between the limitations of the Patreon version and the expectations of the Steam version, I wondered if I should still convince them.
This is not caused by a gap between reality and the game.
The definition of incest is clear.
Are you uncomfortable with my writing?
Because I said it wasn't incest when it wasn't?
Or, is it because you can't insist that something that isn't incest is incest?
I've only posted twice, but I don't understand why you're throwing a fit.
“I am not a porn star. But I enjoy porn and at the same time I am aware of reality.”
So do it in the butt!I discovered something new about incest laws.
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Penal Code § 285 PC is the California statute that prohibits incest. Under this section, marriage or sexual relations between close relatives is a felony punishable by up to 3 years in jail and fines of up to $10,000.
Note that only sexual intercourse is criminalized by California’s law on incest.
Other forms of sexual activity are not.
One night when both of them are drunk, Michael and Madison “hook up”—and end up engaging in oral copulation.
Because they did not engage in sexual intercourse, Michael and Madison have not violated California’s incest law.
The reason that only sexual intercourse is considered incest in California is that incest laws were written in part to prevent inbreeding between relatives—which can lead to birth defects. Thus, only sex that can lead to pregnancy is treated as criminal behavior.
What I said was right again!!
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They were taken away & abandoned far from help, not thrown off a cliff. This practice was still followed in C18th London but there the unwanted babies were left on rubbish tips. Sometimes passers-by took them & some ended up in orphanages.The throwing of disabled children off a cliff in ancient Sparta is a myth. Archaeological research has shown that only adult bones have been found, people that were convicted of criminal acts.
If so, then my analogy remains validThe throwing of disabled children off a cliff in ancient Sparta is a myth. Archaeological research has shown that only adult bones have been found, people that were convicted of criminal acts.
From the first sentence of your post, it is being translated as conflicting statements such as "It is good for drinking alcohol" and "Drinking alcohol is probably not the purpose."Lo scopo di Dylan nella storia non mi sembra basato sull'interesse nel bere alcolici, quindi ogni occasione è buona per bere (e non capisco come abbia fatto a comprare quelle bottiglie di superalcolici alla sua età, non siamo in Europa dove questo è possibile siamo credo negli USA) anche la serata trascorsa con Sophya ci siamo finalmente accorti che lei gestiva meglio le birre, a differenza di Sophya che era così ubriaca che si è fatta palpare il culo nudo durante il ballo , davanti a tutti. Quindi l'interesse di Dylan in questa storia è fare sesso con belle donne. Ma ha problemi a causa della sua età e della sua inesperienza. L'inesperienza emerge dal fatto che è testardo con Christine che è fuori dalla sua portata, sia per il fatto che ha già un fidanzato, sia per il fatto che vede Dylan da bambino.